Our Annual Epiphany Masscelebrated by Bishop Nevares will be at 4pm today. We will be having a reception afterwards. We are asking all members to bring an appetizer or dessert. Any questions regarding the reception please contact Jenelle Van Brunt. (480) 277- 9016.
Cold and flu season is upon us, and has been going around. We encourage any adults or children withany
symptoms to please join the Mass in spirit via the livestream.
The Phoenix Campus of the Encounter School of Ministry will be having a "Prophetic Ministry Practicum" Wednesday January 22nd at 6pm in the COTL Main Hall. The Prophetic Ministry Practicum will be an opportunity for our students to pray in small groups for prophetic words for invited guests. We would like to extend the invitation to all City of the Lord members to be our guest and receive prophetic ministry from our students. We will start with praise and worship at 6pm and will end no later than 8:30pm. See the link below to sign up as a volunteer and for more information. Hope to see you there!
Please mark your calendars for the kick-off of our 41st City of the Lord Convocation this upcoming year, with "Festival of Praise!" Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR will be leading the prayer meeting. The Friday night "Festival of Praise!" is open to the public. Please invite any friends or family!
Saturday and Sunday of Convocation is by registration only. More information regarding Convocation and registration will be upcoming soon.
Building Update: The repairs have started on the bathrooms! The bathrooms will be ready in time for Convocation. The construction company will keep things neat and tidy when we have scheduled events. However, if you are in the building during other times, there may be construction related obstacles near the bathroom and main hall entrances. Be careful!
Men & Women Fellowship Group Leaders: we will have to reschedule the Fellowship Group Leaders meeting. It will be rescheduled for sometime in March.
From Jim Cleaton: Denise was discharged from the hospital January 2nd in the evening. She is recovering from surgery very well. Please pray for a positive result of the biopsy, which is due any day now.
If you would like to send Denise a card of encouragement, the address is:
4436 Santa Cruz
San Diego, CA 92107
All About NAN
Below you will find a few articles explaining some facts about what NAN is AND an invitation to the 2025 NAN Conference in Augusta, Georgia.