Festival of Praise is our kick-off event for Convocation this year! This is an open event, which Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR is leading. We want everyone to invite family and friends. Please spread the word.
Convocation registration is now open! Please do your best to register as soon as possible. Early registration will help our team plan ahead. Please make sure to read the entirety of the message during registration, as there is a lot of important information. We will have to cap Children's Ministry numbers off this year. It will be first come, first serve. Any questions, please email: phoenixbranch@cityofthelord.org.
City of the Lord's Kids' Retreat is right around the corner! Please mark your calendars. Registration coming soon. 2nd-6th graders are welcome. Please note: any 2nd or 3rd graders must attend with a parent or designated guardian. Any questions please contact:
Noel Storer: phoenixbranch@cityofthelord.org
or Stephanie Ladisa: ladisa.stephanie@gmail.com
The Phoenix Campus of the Encounter School of Ministry will be having a "Prophetic Ministry Practicum" Wednesday January 22nd at 6pm in the COTL Main Hall. The Prophetic Ministry Practicum will be an opportunity for our students to pray in small groups for prophetic words for invited guests. We would like to extend the invitation to all City of the Lord members to be our guest and receive prophetic ministry from our students. We will start with praise and worship at 6pm and will end no later than 8:30pm. See the link below to sign up as a volunteer and for more information. Hope to see you there!
Building Update: The repairs have started on the bathrooms! The bathrooms will be ready in time for Convocation. The construction company will keep things neat and tidy when we have scheduled events. However, if you are in the building during other times, there may be construction related obstacles near the bathroom and main hall entrances. Be careful!
Men & Women Fellowship Group Leaders: we will have to reschedule the Fellowship Group Leaders meeting. It will be rescheduled for sometime in March.
From Jim Cleaton: Denise was discharged from the hospital January 2nd in the evening. She is recovering from surgery very well. She will have results by next week. Please pray for clear and positive news from the biopsy.
If you would like to send Denise a card of encouragement, the address is: